



         エーシーエム栃木株式会社 代表取締役社長

          ACM Tochigi Co,. Ltd. CEO, President

          村田 雄郎

                 Takao Murata



航空・宇宙産業では軽くて丈夫な複合材(Advanced Composite Materials)



低価格で供給することを社の方針として、㈱SUBARU航空宇宙カンパニーとの強い協力関係の下、航空宇宙産 業に貢献してまいります。





 多くの可能性を秘めた複合材、今や航空宇宙分野に留まらず、エネルギー、自動車、医療機器など 多くの分野で構造






 Application of advanced composite structures which are light and strong is continuously growing in the aerospace industries.


ACM Tochigi, owing to the strong relationship with SUBARU Aerospace division, has made a considerable contribution with the basic policy of supplying advanced composite parts at competitive prices.
ACM Tochigi has also been very active in Tochigi Aerospace Conference (TASC) and Tochigi aerospace Industry Council,An organization represented by the member form the industries, the government and academia aiming to achieve further improvement and development of technology, as the board member company.

We believe in the great potential of Advanced Composite Materials (ACM). Its use has already expanded from aerospaceto automobiles, energy-related products, medical devices and so on, with high expectation for future development. We arecommitted to move forward with challenging continuously new techniques based on our outstanding expertise of ACM technology.